Toddler games for 3 year olds

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3,21 ming ta sharh
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Toddler games for 3 year olds is an educational game for kids from 2 years olds that helps them acquire new vocabulary and work on language comprehension. Our game has 12 toddler educational games to encourage the learning of kids and toddlers. With these activities to learn fruits and vegetables for toddlers, they will learn by playing shapes, colors, sizes, and numbers. This application includes funny fruit and vegetable puzzle toddler game and coloring pictures. In all activities the order and position in which the elements appear are randomized to work cognitive flexibility in kids.

Our fruit and vegetable learning app has 12 toddler games for 2 year olds:

Fruit and vegetable vocabulary: 30 words to learn fruits and vegetables. Two different activities, an interactive book that reproduces the name of each fruit when clicking on it, and another where the child is asked about a fruit to select from several images.

Matching games for toddlers: In this phase we work abstraction through association. Toddlers will have to relate the drawing and its picture.

Toddler color games: A train with wagons of colors that change color randomly. Kids have to observe the train and discover what colors it brings each time to classify by colors.

Numbers games for toddlers: Boxes with numbers to sort different vegetables and fruits by quantity. The boxes are displayed in random order, ensuring the understanding of the concept of number and quantity.

Size learning games for toddlers: Learn the sizes, small, medium, and big.

Toddler games shapes: game to learn shapes like circle, square and triangle. Kids must identify the shape of the fruit and drag it to the corresponding shape.

Coloring games toddler: 15 fruits for coloring in which the imitation of models is also worked.

Funny vegetables puzzle learning games for toddlers: 15 images that show fun situations with vegetables and fruits puzzles to encourage toddler learning.

Toddler learning games: educational games for preschoolers that help them understand language and acquire new vocabulary. 12 fruit and vegetable learning games for toddlers in which they will hear words associated with images or drawings. Toddler games for 3 year olds incorporates components that work abstraction through association and cognitive flexibility in kids.

Toddler learning games for 2 4:
- fruits and vegetable vocabulary. The 30 most common vegetables and fruits.
- Matching toddler games for 4 year olds
- Shapes and color games for toddlers
- Size learning game
- Numbers game for toddlers
- Game to learn colors for 3 years old kids
- Fruits coloring games for toddlers
- Funny puzzle for kids

Games for autism kids: lToddler games for 3 year olds is a game adapted for everyone. Different configurable options (music, vocabulary level, hide buttons...). In Ilugon we try to adapt our applications to kids with special needs, developing autism games for toddlers.

Toddler games without ads: Our vegetable and fruit games contain free activities that kids can enjoy without advertising.

Learn other languages: the game is available in several languages to learn fruits and vegetables in english and other languages.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-noy, 2024

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