A Breathtaking Picnic VR

40 ta sharh
10 ming+
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The tale of Tum-Tum Bear returns in a virtual reality version to tell a fundamental concept in a playful way: in case of cardiac arrest, you can intervene; indeed, you must. With just a few gestures: all you have to do is learn them. As soon as possible, perhaps by playing. Start now: enter with your children in the magical world of the forest, listen to the story ... and immerse yourself in the magical world of Picnic breathtaking VR !!!

This app is an initiative of Azienda USL di Bologna in collaboration with Italian Resuscitation Council and with the contribution of Fondazione Del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna.

Azienda USL di Bologna (www.ausl.bologna.it) promotes cardiac arrest awareness campaigns in the population and in schools to improve the survival of patients victims of cardiac arrest.

Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna (www.fondazionedelmonte.it) contributed to the development of the app.

Italian Resuscitation Council, IRC (www.ircouncil.it) is a non-profit scientific association that has been conducting intensive training in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiorespiratory emergencies for years. Since 2013 IRC periodically organizes awareness campaigns on the Italian territory (Settimana viva! www.settimanaviva.it).

A Breathtaking Picnic VR is the modern evolution of the app "A Breathtaking Picnic" created by Elastico, Andersen Award 2015, for Italian Resuscitation Council as part of the project "Kids save lives", supported by the World Health Organization, for the dissemination of basic knowledge of first aid in schools and among families.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-sen, 2023

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38 ta sharh

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Minor bug fixes.