Jabra Enhance Ease

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The Jabra Enhance Ease™ app uses a combination of sounds and relaxing exercises that aim to distract your brain from focusing on tinnitus.
Sound exercises are one of the most common therapies to minimize the effects of tinnitus.

The app lets you manage your personal library of soundscapes to be used as part of your tinnitus management.
Either listen to the default soundscapes of create your own from a collection of environmental sounds and small pieces of music.

To help you cope with your tinnitus, the app also provides different activities to relax through guided meditations, breathing exercises, and imagery.
The Learn section will teach you more about what tinnitus is, what the causes are, as well as tips to help you better deal with the effects of your tinnitus.

The app will help you to create a personalized plan to teach you to manage your tinnitus.
Simply answer a few questions about your tinnitus and the issues that bother you the most and Jabra Enhance Ease™ will create a weekly plan to support your tinnitus management.

People with tinnitus can also have hearing loss to some degree, therefore, we added a hearing test for all users to get quick inside into a potential hearing loss.
This is not a formal hearing test and does not provide you with an audiogram.

The app is a tool for anyone who has tinnitus. It should be used in combination with a tinnitus management program or plan set up by a hearing care professional.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-fev, 2024

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GN Hearing Care Corporation
8001 E Bloomington Fwy Bloomington, MN 55420 United States
+45 45 75 22 22

GN Hearing – boshqa ilovalar