Dice-n-Roll online Yatzy

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
194 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Meet the DICE-N-ROLL game with flexible settings!

The game is based on rules of Yacht, similar to the Latin American game Generala, the English game of Poker Dice, the Scandinavian Yatzy, and Cheerio.

The object of the game is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations. The dice can be rolled up to three times in a turn to try to make these combinations. A game consists of twelve rounds. After each round the player chooses which scoring category is to be used for that round. Once a category has been used in the game, it cannot be used again. The scoring categories have varying point values, some of which are fixed values and others where the score depends on the value of the dice. A Dice-n-Roll is five-of-a-kind and scores 50 points; the highest of any category. The winner is the player who scores the most points.

* Play only with RELIABLE players - those who play through to the end. For this just turn on the "reliability ON" when creating the table. Then those who often leave the game cannot join the table.
* Dice-n-Roll is an intellectual game, just like backgammon, poker. Here, luck fades into the background. In our Dice-n-Roll game there is a complete description of the rules, available even during the game.
* To find a suitable game, use the convenient table list with visual pictograms of all table settings.

Create tables with comfortable conventions for you:
- Set the speed of the game
- Reliable or common tables
- Setting up access to a table: public/private /password - to play only with your friends

Thousands of players play the Dice-and-Roll by JagPlay every day - it's time to join! :)
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2023

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190 ta sharh