Sticky Notes & Widget Edge

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A great app for locally storing notes on your device. You can store colorful notes in a simple, easy and secure way. Just add a new note and pick your favorite color.

The app adapts to your screen, so in tablets and big screen you will see two or three columns, and in mobile and small screens you will see only one.

You can add a widget to your home screen so you can take a quick look to your notes. It also have an edge panel utility for Samsung devices, showing the notes just dragging from one side of your Galaxy phone.

You can make a backup of your notes and store it anywhere you want (cloud apps, sd card, external storage...) and restore at any time. It's compatible with the backup and restore of the app "Fast Notes for Edge".

The app has the following features:

- Unlimited notes for free.
- Pick between 10 different colors, giving to each note a unique style.
- You can add as many widgets as you want, for example, one for each note, or just show them all on your home screen.
- You have the possibility to undo and redo your changes in order to not to lose the important info.
- The notes are saved automatically when you navigate back.
- The app contains ads that you can remove forever by watching a single promotional video. Check out the app menu.
- Now you can also make to-do lists. Check the boxes when you complete your tasks, so you have better organization of your work or personal life.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-sen, 2024

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