JamJars: Savings Tracker

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Do you regularly lose track of where your money is being spent?
Have you ever wished you could save up for specific things and visualise how it's going?
Have you ever wished you could easily track all of your savings and debts with your spouse?

Then JamJars will be perfect for you.

JamJars is an intuitive and easy way to manage all your savings. It features simple "jars" to which you can allocate some money. See your savings grow over time, track all your transactions and visualise your progress. The app now has debt jars as well which can make paying off your debts easier as you can easily see all your debts in one place.

Best of all though, is that you can do all the above with other people. JamJars has full real-time collaboration so you and your friends or your spouse can add or remove savings from the same jars. Each of you can leave notes with each transaction so you always know where that money came from or what it was used for.

JamJars is a beautiful and useful app, as evidenced by the many lovely reviews so why not get started on revamping your savings and debts today?
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-okt, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

605 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Fix bug with logging in
Fix bug where users on the free version can't edit existing jars once they reach the jar limit
Fix bug where widget state doesn't update correctly
Re-enable biometric login
More on the way...