UN Buddy First Aid

79 ta sharh
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The operating environment faced by United Nations peacekeepers is increasingly demanding and volatile. Peacekeepers are exposed to risks such as being targets of malicious acts; and encounter injury, illness and loss of life in their duties. In this environment, the importance of receiving effective medical treatment at the earliest possible time becomes critical.

The United Nations is committed to providing a consistent level of high quality medical care to all mission personnel; regardless of the country, situation or environment in which medical treatment is received.

Many national, international, civilian and military first aid programs were reviewed in the development of the United Nations Buddy First Aid Course. Content from these were then selected and adapted to meet the specific and likely casualty environment of peacekeeping missions.

The Buddy First Aid Course sets out clear standards for the first aid skill sets required.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-fev, 2024

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