23 ta sharh
5 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu ilova haqida

The ePrintGo app from J.W. Pepper is the best way to take your sheet music with you wherever you go. This free app lets you view your music on any tablet or smartphone and play it anywhere – no internet connection needed!

Accessing your music through ePrintGo is just like holding a piece of sheet music in your hand, only better. ePrintGo syncs directly to your Pepper account so your entire ePrint music library is preserved digitally and available at your fingertips.

ePrintGo works great during a rehearsal or performance. You can move seamlessly between the full score and individual parts, so there’s no shuffling through papers during rehearsal. Plus you can access your account on up to two devices, letting you pick up at home where you left off in the classroom.

Since ePrintGo is a product of J.W. Pepper, you can buy with the confidence that all purchases are legal and creators are being fairly compensated for their work. This will help you protect your organization from copyright infringement issues that can crop up with some digital music sharing sites.

ePrintGo – Your Music. Your Device. Wherever You Go.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-sen, 2023

Maʼlumotlar xavfsizligi

Xavfsizlik — dastur ishlab chiquvchilar maʼlumotlaringizni qanday jamlashi va ulashishini tushunishdan boshlanadi. Maʼlumotlar maxfiyligi va xavfsizlik amaliyotlari ilovadan foydalanish, hudud va yoshga qarab farq qilishi mumkin. Bu axborot dastur ishlab chiquvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan va keyinchalik yangilanishi mumkin.
Tashqi hamkorlarga hech qanday axborot ulashilmagan
Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
Ushbu ilova quyidagi axborot turlarini toʻplashi mumkin
Men haqimda va Ilova axboroti va unumdorlik
Maʼlumotlar uzatish vaqtida shifrlanadi
Maʼlumotlarni oʻchirishni soʻrashingiz mumkin

Reytinglar va sharhlar

20 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Interface fixes and bug fixes