Authenticator 2FA by KeepSolid

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Authenticator by KeepSolid is a code generator used to prove your identity in the service protected by two-factor authentication (also known as TFA or 2FA). After you connect the two services, in the authenticator app, you will be able to generate time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) and enter them into the services with 2-step verification.

Two-Factor Authentication (TFA or 2FA) is a type of protection when the service you want to protect is double-checking that the authorization request is coming from you. 2-step verification allows for protecting your account from unauthorized access by third parties, even if they succeed to intercept your account password.

When you authorize an account that supports TFA you can select the Authenticator App by KeepSolid as a 2-step verification factor. Our 2FA code generator will provide you with a security key token that should be entered into the service you need. This security key is a time-based one-time password (OTP). It is safer and more reliable than an event-based one-time password because its validity term is time-limited. This minimizes the chance of the TOTP being intercepted.


More than 800,000 accounts are being hacked every year. Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, GitHub, and even Google and Microsoft accounts can become the target. So, it has become our top priority to protect your sensitive data on the web. Whether you trade crypto on Binance or buy games in Sony PlayStation Store, multi-factor authentication is the exact method to minimize the risks of data leakage and identity theft.

1) Verified software developer. KeepSolid is a trusted security expert with more than 9 years of experience and 35 million protected customers. Our apps are widely used for protecting your traffic and identity whatever you do on the web, trade crypto on Binance, or develop software on GitHub.
2) Ensured 2FA protection. With the KeepSolid Authenticator, you can get time-based one-time passwords (OTP) that allow you to verify your identity more securely with 2-step verification than with SMS or email passwords.
3) User-friendly interface. The app was developed for users that don’t have any technical knowledge to enable TFA protection.TOTP codes can be easily copied and entered in two clicks.
4) QR Code Authentication. KeepSolid solution has a built-in QR code scanner to connect your account to the code generator.
5) Backup file. With KeepSolid Authenticator App you can create a backup file with all your items and restore your accounts whenever you need.

Whatever account or service you use, from Instagram and Facebook to Sony PlayStation, GitHub, and Binance (yes, now you can trade crypto more securely), the best practice is to activate 2-factor authentication (2FA). This way you will protect your sensitive data and digital identity from third parties. Choose a reliable and verified 2-Factor Authenticator app to create tokens and time-based one-time passwords (OTP) and minimize the risk to get your security key intercepted.
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-okt, 2023

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33 ta sharh

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- Performance improvements and bug fixes.
- If you have any questions, feel free to contact us in app or at [email protected]"