IR Remote Creator

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Create your own InfraRed remote by positioning buttons and assigning IR codes to them with this App.

For the hobbyist/maker/curious that want to dig deeper into the world of IR remote control. 

• Built in Editor. 

• Manage up to 200 remotes. 

• Generate IR patterns from existing protocols, your own custom one, or from raw timing data. 

• Save & Load remotes.

• Creator and User modes.

• User Guide in App.

• Requires an IR Blaster on your device.

Only comes with one default remote (Arduino code to interface with it found on website). You have to make your own remotes or download those that someone else has created.

Use app and follow any examples at your own risk.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-mar, 2024

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394 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

v1.30 Updated to use newer code libraries to better target and run reliably on devices in 2024. Added READ_MEDIA_IMAGES/READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission option for newer devices to be able to load images. Added option to load remote by using clipboard.
v1.31 bug fix.