Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits

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Tired of throwing knives on to those logs? Download Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits, a new endless idle game with knives throwing & fruits slashing!

Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits is a new hyper casual idle game with unique design! You can throw knives to the fruits, pizzas, donuts,.. and cut them into pieces.
Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits isn't your usual endless idle clicker game. You can upgrade to shoot knives automatically, or tap to throw, or use boosters.
Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits has not only knives. There are Rockets, Shurikens, Saws, Scissors, Forks, and more!
Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits can also provide coins without having to play! Just upgrade the Offline bonus and it will accumulate more coins as time pass. Login to the game to collect it!

Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits is a simple and easy fruit cutting game. Tap on the screen to throw knives to cut the fruits and food. Each hit will decrease the fruit's shield bar if there is. Then each knife will start cutting the fruits. You will complete the challenge by the time the fruit is cut into smallest piece!

Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits is a also very challenging hyper casual game. The higher the level, the tougher the fruit shield be. Upgrade your knives power, amount to get a stronger hit. Utilize the bonus and special reward on each leveling to slash the fruit faster.

Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits also has many special skills to use. Each special knife has a its own skill. The Big Knife will deal a lot of damage. The Fork can cut the fruit in a rectangle shape. Chainsaw can cut deep in the fruit. Scissors can cut the fruit multiple times. Shuriken can cut the fruit from different angles. The ultimate Four Knives can slash the fruit in a way out of your imagination!

Login to social network to see who is on top and surpass them gradually!

FEATURES of Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits
- Idle game, easy to play, no special skills needed.
- Hyper casual game, quick play and no internet required!
- 6 different knives with different skills
- Over 100+ levels
- Featuring all kinds of juicy fruits: apple, orange, pine apple, melons,...
- Did I forget to mention food? Pizza, Donut, Egg, and more
- Special effects when cutting the fruits
- Free

HOW TO PLAY Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits
- Tap on screen to throw a knife at random point
- Or upgrade the skills to automatically throw knives at the fruits
- Use the items to increase your damage significantly!

Slash all the fruits with Idle Knife: Slash The Fruits!

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Idle Knife is a hyper casual idle game created by VGAMES. Visit us for more games:
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-avg, 2024

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