My Cat Cruise

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10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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This is a cruise ship that will sail around the world!
Do you want to run a restaurant and go on a sailing trip with a group of adorable kittens? Meow~
In this game, you will become a chef cat, leading a brave crew of cat sailors,
simultaneously managing your own cruise ship at sea,
while earning money to embark on exciting voyages!(=ↀωↀ=)✧

【Your goals】
- Earn coins and upgrade your cruise ship to attract more customers and receive positive reviews! Make your cruise ship bigger and more lively!
- Embark on sea voyages, unlock various destinations around the world, meet new friends, and discover local cuisine!
- Create new dishes and become a renowned food establishment!
- Collect cute animal customers, interact with them, become friends, and unlock unique stories!

【Game features】
- A plethora of adorable kittens!
Various breeds such as Ragdolls, Norwegian Forest Cats, Burmese Cats, Himalayans, Maine Coons, Siberian Cats, and British Shorthairs.
Come and meet the cats in this fairy tale-like setting~
- Interact with adorable kittens!
Dress up the cats in various accessories, hats, and clothes!
Make them look even more adorable! You can take photos and show off their outfits.
- A healing game to relieve stress
Cute and warm art style paired with calming sounds♬
This is what we call healing!
Enjoy a moment of relaxation with food and the kitties at home, in the restaurant, at school, on the subway, or anywhere else!
(Meow = Healing (▽))
- The game is incredibly simple, not tiring, and very relaxing
You can play it while having a meal, on a bus, or even at work~
The kitties will automatically run the restaurant, and they are amazing!
Take orders, cook, and deliver the dishes to the tables~
If you’ve enjoyed management or cooking games before, you’ll love this game!

Please make sure to download it and give it a try if you are:
♥ A fan of cat and animal games!
♥ Someone who loves traveling!
♥ A cat lover who wants to own many cats!
♥ Fond of cooking, cuisine, coffee, desserts, candy, or sushi!
♥ An ASMR enthusiast.
♥ Looking for a soothing game, idle game, or simulation game.
♥ Skilled at restaurant or cooking games with fast clicking speeds.
♥ Searching for an offline game that doesn’t require an internet connection!
♥ A fan of single-player and free games!
I hope you enjoy playing this game with cute kittens and exploring the restaurant and sea voyage! Meow~

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Oxirgi yangilanish
7-noy, 2024

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The first version of My Cat Cruise has been released!