Spinning Wheel + Roulette

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
42,4 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
M (17+)

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Make daily decisions easily with this lucky roulette app, Wheel+! No more overthinking, just spin the wheel and get an answer to the most common questions of your life. Can’t choose a meal, or pick a date? Our happy wheel spinner will make decisions on your behalf. Yes or No? Just give it a try now!

Create your own decision roulette games - this is much more fun than flipping a coin! Put any options of your choice on the spinning wheel and draw names of prize winners.

Unlimited lucky wheels will help you decide and answer everyday questions. What should I do? What should I eat? Where should I go? No more doubts! Make your decisions in a fun way with this spin roulette app!

This is a better upgraded version of a standard roulette wheel of luck. We did our best to solve all the inconveniences of the previous roulette apps. Enjoy diverse background music, fun sound effects, and other exciting features.

Keep it simple if you like. Let the spin roulette app help you make a choice. Give it a try for free today!

This amazing random roulette will make your life easier. Enjoy a classic spin the wheel game or use the app as a raffle generator.

Main Spinner Wheel App Features:

* Easy to use raffle wheel: the interface is intuitive and simple. Decide in 1,2,3!
* Customization: add your own titles and names, choose colors and prepare questions
* Over 100+ BGM, sounds, and effects: the app won’t ever get boring!
* Passcode lock: secure your randomizer wheel with individual password
* Dark mode: set a theme of your preference
* Remove ads (paid): use a premium version of a prize wheel to enjoy a completely add-free experience.

What else will you love about this name drawing app?

* Awesome sound effects
A wide variety of interesting sound effects and voices.
You can set your favorite sound effects and background music for each roulette. Don’t let random picker wheel go dull, music makes everything better!

* Function to unselect once selected
If you turn on this mode, the selected slices will be removed and you can spin the roulette wheel until you get to the last one.
This is perfect for party and punishment games.

* Tap to stop
When this mode is turned on, the wheel roulette will start to stop at the timing you tap. Instead of simple random probability, players can decide their own fate by stopping the wheel at their favorite timing.

* Lottery time
The spinning time for each wheel can be set from 3 seconds to 20 seconds, so you can get a fully customizable experience on each spin.

* Interesting effects
There are various special effects that make the lottery more exciting.
If you get bored with the usual spin roulette, add these effects, set the odds, and have fun!

There are a lot of features you won't find in other roulette apps!

How else can you use this raffle drawing wheel?
* For games (for those who love to party)
* Choosing a restaurant for lunch or dinner
* What kind of meal would you like to have today? Chinese, Italian, French?
* What do you want to cook today? Set the dishes you often make and decide by spin roulette.
* Do you like the person you are interested in? What do you like or dislike?
* Punishment games and party games
* For wedding entertainment, drawing lots at events, bingo, etc.

Have you heard some information but not sure about it? Try your luck and use a mystery wheel to uncover the truth. Who knows, maybe you can know the secret before the right person tells you about it.

Download the decision wheel app today and start your lucky journey! It’s up to you… or not? Ask the Wheel Plus!

If you have any questions about the app, please contact us from "Help" -> "Contact Us" on the app's settings screen.
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21-noy, 2024

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