Candy Rain

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Candy Rain is a match-3 game in which you can line up the jelly beans and other sweets to create rows and columns of three or more. Collect bombs and boosters to help you reach all the the goals on your task list, and travel through hundreds of stages on the game’s enormous level map.

In this tile-matching bejeweled game, a friendly candy drop will show you the ropes. You can swap around any two sweets that are placed next to each other on the board. The only condition is that this swap must result in at least one matching sequence of three identical items.

To the left side of the board, you’ll see a panel in the shape of a biscuit. Here, you can see which tasks you have to complete. This could be collecting a certain number of one or more types of sweets, gathering certain items by moving them to the bottom row of the board, or clearing away tiles with molten chocolate on them, and so forth.

If you manage to line up four or five items at once, you can earn line bombs and color bombs that will help you achieve these goals even faster. These bombs can also be merged by dragging them toward each other as if you would swap them. This will set off an even more powerful blast.

The biscuit panel will also show you how many moves you have left to complete this task. If you run out of moves before the task is finished, you’ll have to try the level over. However, any moves you have left when you complete the task will be converted into bombs. All the bombs are set off at once at the end of the level, triggering a huge cascade of chain reactions that is often worth lots of points.

Collect stars to unlock the treasure chests scattered across the level map. You can check the score meter in the biscuit panel to see how many more points you need to score to gather a star. You can gather up to three stars per level. Via the level map, you can track your progress. You can also return to any level you completed earlier on, and replay it to gather any stars you missed the first time around.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-iyl, 2024

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