MoneyTracker - Manage Expenses

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88 ta sharh
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MoneyTracker - the #1 financial planning, review, expense tracking, and personal asset management app for Android!

MoneyTracker makes managing personal finances as easy as pie! Now easily record your personal and business financial transactions, generate spending reports, review your daily, weekly and monthly financial data and manage your assets with Money Manager's spending tracker and budget planner.

* Applying double entry bookkeeping accounting system
Money Manager facilitates efficient asset management and accounting. It does not just record your money coming in and out of your account but deposits your money into your account as soon as your income is input and draws money from your account as soon as your expense is input.

* Transfer, direct debit and recurrence function
Transfer between assets is possible, which makes your personal and business asset management more efficient. In addition, you can manage you a salary, insurance, term deposit and loan more easily by setting automatic transfer and recurrence.

* Instant statistics
Based on the data entered, you can instantly see your expense by category and changes between each month. And you can see the change of your assets and income/expense indicated by a graph as well.

You can view ā€˜ā€œMoneyTrackerā€ application using Wi-Fi. You can edit and sort the data by date, category or account group on the screen of your PC. In addition, you can see fluctuations of your accounts indicated on graphs on your PC.

So, what are you waiting for? Download MoneyTracker right now and start managing, and tracking expenses and personal finances!
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-fev, 2023

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88 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

This is my First release.