DPI Changer Change Resolution

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Display Screen resolution and DPI changer, simple to use.
DPI Changer will help you to increase and decrease DPI of any android device. You can easily change the resolution of your device to fit content better on your device.

You just need to drag the slider to adjust DPI of your screen using the DPI Changer app, this will also work with volume buttons. This will help you to improve performance, boost and speed up games on your device by adjusting screen resolution.

But to use this app your device must be Rooted.

DPI is kind of Resolution device, this means if you increase or decrease DPI of device then it increases or decrease Resolution of device as well, that’s why it called as display dpi changer. And one more thing to say that dpi changer app no root will not work because Root is needed to perform this.

If you don’t have a rooted device then you can follow any online tutorial to root your device. This is custom dpi changer so you can customize anytime. This will also help you to change resolution for games like free fire (dpi changer free fire), PubG and other games so you can get extra space for buttons and other things on your device. I have tested dpi changer miui mobiles as well, and you can use in any mobile.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-mar, 2024

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