Rainforest Plants 2nd Edition

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Rainforest Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria, 2nd edition, is based on the popular interactive computer key, distributed as a USB (2014) and as a desktop application (2024) and as a mobile app (2016). This revised edition covers 1156 species (an extra 16 species), each keyed out in an interactive key and each with its own fact sheet with a detailed description, line drawings and numerous (usually 7) amazing, coloured photos. Descriptions and many geographical distributions have been updated to reflect present knowledge. Over 70 name changes for species as well as family name changes are included. Rare and Threatened species (204), as well as naturalized species (106) and noxious weed species (33) are noted in the text and can be separated in the key. A section on rainforest information outlines the rainforest types recognised in this app and coloured photos of examples of each type. A new section on Myrtle Rust outlines the devastating impact the fungus is having on species of the Family Myrtaceae in our rainforests.

Please note this App is a large download (almost 700 MB) and depending on your connection, it may take several minutes to download and install. An internet connection is not required once it is installed.

Rainforest Plants of Australia has been developed over 25 years to identify trees, shrubs and climbing plants that occur naturally or have become naturalized (including exotic weeds) in rainforest from Rockhampton to Victoria. It is a fantastic resource, a thorough and comprehensive source of information for all those concerned about rainforests, their biodiversity, distribution and conservation. The app is vital for researchers and teachers at universities, TAFEs and schools, environmental consultants and government agencies, community groups and landowners, bushwalkers, gardeners and anyone with an interest in rainforests or rainforest plants. Botanical terms (explained in an illustrated glossary) have been kept to a minimum so that the key and descriptions are more user-friendly, making this package useful to a very wide audience even without any formal botanical training. If you are enthusiastic and have the desire to learn more about rainforests and the plants that grow in them, this app is for you!

Despite its Australian focus, this app provides a resource for users in other countries. It shows what information is useful, what type of key can be constructed and what features can be used in separating rainforest species. It demonstrates how powerful the Lucid Mobile platform is and that such an app can be prepared using this program.

At the core of this app is an interactive identification key powered by Lucid. This key includes 1156 plant species and to help confirm an identification the app provides line drawings and nearly 8,000 coloured photos and comprehensive information on each species, including previously unavailable botanical details. Introductory sections include links to other useful websites, hints on how to identify rainforest plants as well as an outline of the 164 features (and hundreds of states) used to separate the many species that on first sight appear to be inseparable!

Due to app size constraints, the 14,000 images in the Desktop app (2024) of have been reduced to around 9,000 images, retaining the most useful for identifying plants in the rainforest.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-okt, 2024

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Updated maps and fact sheet content