Kids Chronicles

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This application is a digital companion for the Kids Chronicles board game.

Kids Chronicles is a family, co-operative game of adventure and mystery investigation, mixing a board game and app.

As magicians' apprentices, players dive into the fairy tale lands of the Kingdom of Summer and the Winter Empire. Accompanied by the faithful familiar, Nills The Moon Cat, they embark on a quest to find four magical Moon Stones. To achieve their goal, young magicians have to solve numerous mysteries and help inhabitants of both Kingdoms overcome their problems.

Using the Scan&Play technology, each component — locations, characters, items, etc. — has a unique QR code, which depending on the scenario selected will activate and trigger different clues and stories. Experiencing the 3D scenes requires only a mobile phone or a tablet. Players simply hold their mobile device in front of their eyes to immerse themselves in the game's universe and search for clues in a virtual world.

The game comes with one tutorial and five unique stories. Each game session lasts around 30 to 45 minutes.

Once the app and a scenario are downloaded, the app doesn't require any internet connection during gameplay. The language can be selected within the app. The app saves your progress through the campaign, so you can stop and pick up again whenever you like.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-noy, 2024

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84 ta sharh

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- bug fixes