Area and Volume Calculator

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Area Calculator: You are able to calculate the area for the most important geometric figures. You can calculate the area of ellipse, area of tank, area of rectangle, area of square, area of trapezoid, area of parallelogram, area of rhombus, area of sector, area of geometrical shapes, area of two dimensional and area of three dimensional.

Tank Volume Calculator: You can calculate the, volume of cone, volume of cube, volume of cuboid, volume of cylinder, volume of sphere, volume of tank, volume of square pyramid and volume of tetrahedron.

Very basic as well as complex formulas are listed. The image of object is also displayed for better clarity in understanding.

Best math tool for school and college! If you are a student, it will help you to learn geometry plus Area volume and surface area formulas.

Highly useful for students.
►App showcases perimeter and area formulas for 2D shapes, and surface area & volume
Formulas for 3D shapes.

►Other Calculations - HC, LCM, Average, Coordinate geometry, Square toot, Cube root, Exponent law, Simple interest etc..

Formulas for following type of geometrical shapes are listed in this app.
Circle, Cone, Cube, Cuboid, Ellipse, Ellipsoid, Frustum, Kite, Parallelogram, Parallelepiped, Regular Polygon, Rectangle, Rectangular Prism, Rhombus, Sector, Sphere, Square, Torus, Trapezoid and Triangle.

List of plane and solid figures contained in the application:

Planimetry ( 2D shapes):
- Square
- Rectangle
- Parallelogram
- Trapezoid
- Scalene triangle
- Isosceles triangle
- Equilateral triangle
- Right triangle
- Simple polygon
- Regular convex polygon
- Circle / Disk
- Annulus
- Annular sector
- Circular sector
- Circular segment
- Ellipse
- Ellipse segment
- Quadratic function
- Cubic function
- Intercept theorem
- Kite
- Angles and Trigonometry
- Rhombus
- Incircle and circumcircle of a triangle

Stereometry ( 3D Shapes ):
- Cube
- Cuboid
- Right prism
- Oblique prism
- Right circular cylinder
- Oblique circular cylinder
- Cylindrical segment
- Cylindrical wedge
- Pyramid
- Frustum
- Obelisk
- Prismatoid
- Right circular cone
- Oblique circular cone
- Right truncated cone
- Oblique truncated cone
- Elliptic cone
- Truncated elliptic cone
- Sphere / Disk
- Spherical sector
- Sphere cap
- Spherical segment
- Ellipsoid
- Paraboloid of revolution
- Toroid
- Torus
- Right hollow cylinder
- Rectangular pipe
- Prism with a regular base
- Pyramid with a regular base
- Elliptical Tank
- Spherical Wedge

►Let us know if you have any suggestions/issues. If you think any other formula should be listed, then do write to us at [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-avg, 2023

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520 ta sharh
Шарофат Шуккрова
10-sentabr, 2023
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