Shapes: Vector Drawing Tool

Reklamalar mavjud
12 ta sharh
1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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The application is designed to create high-quality images both from geometric primitives (line, circle, spline, etc.) and using custom vector (SVG) and raster images (PNG, JPG, BMP). Using the application, you can quickly test your ideas and implement them in a full-fledged graphic editor.

Key Features:
- the application contains examples of projects with a demonstration of its capabilities. You can delete examples and restore them if necessary,
- when creating a project, it is possible to specify the size of the image export area in pixels. The more pixels, the better the final image will be.
- the application stores the entire construction history in the form of a construction tree - this allows you to make adjustments at any level of the scene, for example, enter a circular array and edit the curve that forms it;
- the application supports snapping of the created geometry to the shape key points (end of the segment, midpoint, center, spline node, point on the curve, intersection). This provides more precise positioning of elements relative to each other;

Main functionality:
- drawing vector primitives (point, line, circle, ellipse, arc, spline, vertical and horizontal guide),
- inserting vector (SVG) and bitmap images into the scene,
- grouping shapes and images into groups,
- formation of arrays of shapes (circular array, linear array, reflection),
- shapes editing at any level through control points,
- assigning line color and shape fill,
- the ability to clone both a separate shape or the entire project,
- blocking and hiding currently unnecessary objects
- export scene to bitmap.

The application is under development, write your suggestions for errors and desired functionality to [email protected]

Features to be added in upcoming versions:
- there are no undo/redo functions in the editor - before modifying an shape (project), you can clone it;
- there is no warning about project modification, do not forget to save the project before closing;
- text creation.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-iyl, 2023

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

12 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

small bug fix