Falling Dash Mobile Royal Race

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Welcome to Falling Dash, an adrenaline pumping mobile falling race game that will test your agility, strategy, and nerves! Prepare to be dropped into an arena filled with hexagonal tiles stacked on multiple floors. The catch? Each step you take on a tile will cause it to vanish into thin air!

The objective is simple: Don't fall! Race against a group of skilled players as you leap from one disappearing tile to another, aiming to outlast and outsmart your opponents. With each passing moment, the tension mounts, and the arena shrinks, making your choices crucial for survival.

Immerse yourself in this heart pounding challenge, where every decision can be the difference between victory and defeat. Hone your reflexes, plan your moves carefully, and seize the opportunity to outmaneuver your rivals.

As the competition heats up and the tiles dwindle, will you have what it takes to stay afloat and emerge as the ultimate winner? Claim the title of the last standing player, conquer the Falling Dash, and etch your name at the top of the leaderboard!

- Incredibly simple to understand.
- Simple one finger controls.
- Pop art inspired character skins and pets
- Simple, pure, innovative gameplay
- Absolute free to play.
- Christmas candy type

Are you ready to take the plunge into this exhilarating adventure of wit and dexterity? Download Falling Dash now and prove your mettle in the most thrilling falling and racing showdown ever!

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Have any problems or suggestions? You can reach us at [email protected].

The game implements opt-in video ads that players can watch to earn free coins if they choose. Watching video ads is voluntary if players want to speed up the rate they earn coins to win new characters. We require the location to provide location based video ads to provide more relevant ads to players.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-avg, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Nima yangiliklar

We listen to your feedback and work hard to make the game better for you. For this version, we have made a bunch of bug fixes, and performance enhancements to make everything running smoothly as possible, especially for Android 13 and Android 14.