Epic Cards Battle 3

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127 ta sharh
5 ming+
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T (13+)

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Online strategy multiplayer CCG,TCG card battle game. Play tactic Auto Chess, PVP, PVE, RPG battles with players all over the world. Experience a fantasy world of marvel, magic, onmyoji and heros.

【Brand-New Card Design】
Framework designed for the new genshin battle system.

- Abundance of beautifully crafted cards, with new ones added in each version update.
- Cards include creature (minion), spell, and trap, spanning eight distinct factions: Shrine, Dragonborn, Elves, Nature, Demons, Darkrealm, Dynasty, and Segiku.
- Creatures (minions) are further divided into six professions: Warrior, Tank, Shooter, Assassin, Mage, and Warlock, each with unique class talents.
- The joy of card drawing returns, with rarer hidden cards found in enhancement or card packs.
- Future updates will introduce a card exchange mechanism, emphasizing core TCG elements and facilitating true player card exchange.
【Brand-New Strategic Gameplay】
Innovates upon the core gameplay of strategic battles.

- Players can freely build decks, adding any owned cards without restrictions such as ""rotation,"" class-specific cards, or card factions. Build your final fantasy card decks.
- Introduces a mana system where players cleverly utilize mana, with a portion retained for the next turn.
- The warcraft battlefield layout adopts a 4x7 mini chessboard, where cards act as chess pieces, emphasizing the crucial choice of position.
- Combining creature (pal) card classes allows gathering teams to complement and assist each other, maximizing their strengths.
- The three combat types replace attack and armor types, simplifying complexity while achieving the same goals.
- Use spell cards for rapid effects and counter your opponent swiftly.
- Deploy trap cards in advance to pave the way for deeper strategic honkai gameplay.
- The addition of an counter system opens up new possibilities for more complex strategies.
- The new elemental system adds richness to card specificity: Ice, Fire, Earth, Storm, Light, Shadow, Lightning, Toxic. Play different shadowverse magics.

Balance is crucial for arena strategy games to ensure victory is not determined by luck.

- Designed with a ""no wasted cards"" philosophy, where all cards have purpose, regardless of its price.
- Victory is not influenced by luck (or a ""dealer""). lol
- Eliminated the concept of going first or second; players make quick gwent decisions simultaneously.
- Players can use all cards in their deck during battles.
- No mana is wasted during gameplay.
【Competitive Play】
Provides a platform for PVP or esports enthusiasts to showcase their skills.

- Worldwide server for master duel matches against legend players in palworld.
- Leaderboards to showcase your mtga skills and claim your throne.
- Enjoy battles with friends in a snap.
- The guild system undergoes a comprehensive redesign, offering conflicts, cooperation, and intense clash of clans, summoners war and storm wars. Build your baldur kingdom.
- Custom rooms (traverns) functionality is in the planning stages, allowing players to create/join tavern brawl rooms and watch other players' battles in real-time. In the era of real-time strategy games, we plan to implement this feature in ECB3.

【Single Player】
Offers a game experience for players who prefer PVE, mobile legends and single-player games without the need to battle other players.

- Campaign missions, with each level serving as a puzzle waiting for players siting near hearth stone to challenge.
- Speed Run: Finding ways to reduce completion time and showcasing exceptional wit on the leaderboard.

Game Official Website: http://www.ecb3.com
momoStorm Official Website: http://www.momoStorm.com
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-noy, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

115 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

4 new card boosters (guaranteed 3-6 star cards).
Battle Pass Privilege: Double EXP in idle.
All cards now automatically move to the center of the battlefield.
Reduced the impact of card positions during battles.
Increased the maximum number of cards per row from 5 to 6.