Color Pop - Fun Coloring Games

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113 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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Unleash your creativity with Color Pop, the only digital adult coloring book, with AI drawings generation! Express yourself through a range of stunning and intricate artworks. It’s the perfect app for anyone looking to take a break from their busy lives and tap into their inner artist.

🆕 🖌 AI feature: the world-first AI drawing generator🥇! Color Pop AI is truly unique: it lets you create coloring pages, using just your imagination: type a few keywords (or “prompts”), and let the magic happen. Generate a drawing in a matter of seconds: you could color pages, now you can also make them from scratch!

🖌 800+ coloring pages for adults: a vast collection of coloring pages designed specifically for adults. Of course, the whole family can enjoy coloring together! Intricate mandalas, beautiful paintings of landscapes, cute animal illustrations, famous characters... there's something for everyone. You'll never run out of coloring pages to choose from.

🖌 The complete coloring tools kit: a wide range of useful and intuitive tools that will help you create a stunning and unique coloring book.

🖌 Experiment on your drawing with different colors, gradients and shades, choose from a variety of brush sizes and textures. Whether you prefer a classic coloring book or a more modern one, bring your vision to life with these awesome colors.

🖌 Mindfulness and relaxation: Coloring has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety levels, improving focus and concentration. Tap into these benefits and experience the joy of creating beautiful artworks anytime, anywhere.

🖌 Social media sharing: it's really easy to save and share your drawing on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. With just a few clicks, you can show off your coloring book and artistic skills to your friends and family. Spread the joy of coloring!

In summary, Color Pop provides you with a range of color palettes, brushes and special effects to make a stunning drawing. With its vast collection of adult coloring pages, and now the possibility of creating a drawing using AI, Color Pop is the ultimate app for anyone looking to relax, unwind, and tap into their creativity. Coloring has never been so easy and enjoyable!

In short:

🎨 800+ drawings

🎨 Thousands of plain colors, gradients and textures

🎨 Awesome drawing tools (brushes, pencils, smudge, sprays, technical pens…)

🎨 Color Pop AI : create your own coloring book with the first AI drawing generator

🎨 1 FREE drawing everyday

🎨 Regular special events, with exclusive drawings

🎨 Weekly catalogue updates

🎨 FREE trial to unlock all the app, cancel anytime

Unlimited subscription:

🎨 Color Pop premium: unlock the complete coloring book (800+ pictures), all the color palettes, the full coloring kit, unlimited AI drawing generations. Subscribing also gives you an ad-free experience.

🎨 Not so sure about the benefits of subscribing? We understand! That’s why all our premium plans also offer a free-trial. This is non-binding, so you can cancel it anytime before it expires without being charged. Please note that cancelling the subscription must be done 24 hours before the end of the free-trial or period, to avoid being charged.

🎨 Premium lans are auto-renewable, which means you’ll have to manually cancel it in your Google Play account before the end of the subscription period, otherwise you’ll be charged for another week, month or year, depending on the plan you chose.

🎨 Any question about Color Pop’s features or plans? Please send us an email at [email protected]

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22-noy, 2024

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