SkyPro GPS Status Tool

105 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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The SkyPro Status Tool is an application for use with the SkyPro GPS Receiver (XGPS150/XGPS160/XGPS500) from Dual Electronics.

This app shows detailed information from the SkyPro GPS Receiver including:
- The GPS and GLONASS(XGPS160 only) satellites in view and their signal strength
- The current location, or an indication that the device is still waiting for satellite information
- The connection status of the GPS receiver
- The battery level and battery charging status of the GPS receiver
- The recorded route information such as date and number of data points (not supported XGPS150)

This app will also allow you to turn on/off automatic route recording, export the recorded routes stored in the internal memory of SkyPro GPS Receiver, and save the recorded routes from the receiver into the app.

This app includes the GPS helper app function which is required for an external Bluetooth GPS receiver to connect to Android devices. A third-party GPS helper application is no longer required when using this app.

Please make sure this app is running in the background at all times. This will allow all apps to use GPS information from the XGPS.

Android devices require “Allow mock location” to be enabled in order to receive GPS information from an external GPS device such as SkyPro.

To enable this feature, please follow the steps below:

Android version 2.0 to 4.1:
1. Go to the Settings menu
2. Find "Developer Options" under the Settings menu
3. Find and check “Allow mock locations.”

Android version 4.2 and later:
1. Go to the Settings menu, and find "About phone/About device".
2. Find “Build number" under "About phone/About device".
3. Tap “Build number” seven (7) times. A “You are now a developer!” message will appear.
4. Go back to the Settings menu.
5. Find the “Developer options” setting under the Settings menu.
6. Find the “Allow mock locations” under the “Developer options”
7. Check “Allow mock locations”

Note: Compatible ONLY with SkyPro GPS Receiver from Dual Electronics.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-okt, 2023

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

89 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

1. Fixed an issue where the current location was displayed in duplicate when changing tabs.
2. When the receiver is disconnected, the current location is displayed in a different color.