Date Calculator

14,3 ming ta sharh
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This is a great tool for anyone interested in date-related operations on Android devices. It's free, fast, and easy to use. The app provides helpful information about date and time guides for over 100 years, and it also offers expert knowledge and point you in the right direction to plan the future.

This is a simple and awesome date and time app that calculates the duration between two dates, including time such as total years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds. It's also useful for finding date differences between events like work anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and other important dates. The app offers a quick and simple user experience when performing date manipulations such as date-to-date calculations, adding or subtracting from a date, finding leap years, weekday calculations, and age calculations. Calculating time and dates is easier with this app than any other application on the Android platform.

Do you want to know the exact amount of time between two dates, down to the hour, minute, and second? This app provides the most popular features of dates and days, making it the smartest and fastest "Date Calculator" app available on Google Play.

✓ Calculate date and time units between two dates, including years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

✓ This app provides an option to calculate dates earlier than *1900 for those who are interested in using it for research purposes. If you need a date earlier than 1900, simply enter the year manually after choosing a date.

✓ Use the "Add or Subtract from a Date" calculator to add or subtract date and time units and obtain a new date and time, as well as find the weekday of the new date.

✓ Easily find leap years and the total number of days in a given year using this app.

✓ The day of the week calculator determines the day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday) for a given date.

✓ Calculate the number of working and non-working days between two dates.

✓ Use the age calculator to calculate your age accurately in years, months, and days.

✓ Find out the number of days left until a given date with the day's countdown feature.

✓ Calculate your financial dues using the due date calculator.

✓ You can easily find the current device time zone in the navigation menu and settings page.

Don't keep the Date Calculator app a secret! We rely on your support, so please share it with others :)

If you have any concerns, bugs, or issues, please don't leave negative feedback. Instead, contact us at [email protected], and we'll do our best to resolve any issues. We appreciate all the support that has made this application more successful! Thank you!
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-noy, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

13,9 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

The latest update of the Date Calculator app brings some exciting new features and improvements to the app.

✓ We resolved an issue with reading text at the bottom of the screen.
✓ You can drag and drop the share button to any location within the app screen.
✓ Small fixes and adjustments for an overall better experience.