Autumn Tale - Berry and Dolly

50 ming+
Ustozlar tasdiqlagan
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

The Berry and Dolly tales features Dolly, the ladybird girl, and Berry, the snail boy. In the application made from the Autumn Tale of the Four Seasons Book, the Centipede is the host. Berry and Dolly are on their way to his house to help him harvesting grapes, however their tandem bike receives a nasty puncture. How will the little friends continue their journey?

The first volume in the Berry and Dolly series, first published in 2004, was written and illustrated by the qualified architect Erika Bartos and was published by the Pozsonyi Pagony publishing house in Hungary. The series soon became a firm favourite of the littlest ones, its popularity spreading by word of mouth. The first volume was followed by many more, all of which feature the main characters of Dolly, the ladybird girl, and Berry, the snail boy.

Recognition for the Berry and Dolly series:

2016: Game of Hungary - Audience Award
2016: Golden Book Prize
2016: Certificate of appreciation of the Hungarian Red Cross
2015: Pro Familiis Prize of the Ministry of Human Capacities
2014: Certificate of appreciation, Subotica Children's Theatre Festival
2014: Pagony Wandering Pen Prize
2013: Museum-friendly Award
2013: Premio Cartoon Kids Prize, Italy
2013: Audience Award of Kecskemét Animation Film Festival
2012: Istanbul Book Festival Plaque
2011: Xinjiang International Children’s Film Festival - Best Short Film
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-avg, 2023

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