The Superhero League

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
165 ming ta sharh
50 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

Bu oʻyin haqida

With great power comes great fun! Defeat deadly enemies with the powers of a super hero. Lift, burn, freeze opponents who try to get in your way. No one will stop you from obtaining justice. Your team of heroes are here to save the day.

Solve challenging puzzles with unique abilities. Each level is carefully designed to maximize your abilities. Uses powers of control, fire, wind, ice, speed and much more! You can become your favorite heroes. Enemies are bringing a gun to a super power fight! They don’t stand a chance! This is a new type of puzzle experience. The power is in your hands.

Game Features:

1. Destroy them all and save the world!
The Super league was formed to save the world. Use your skills, deadly accuracy and precision to keep the bad guys at bay! Whether it is a spy, agent, zombie, lumberjack, alien, or an evil mastermind they are all here to take over the world and only a SUPER can take them down and save the world.

2. Unlock Epic Missions and new characters
So many enemies and levels for you to solve with your quick wit and big brain. Unlock new characters with new special abilities for a whole new take on new levels. How smart are you? Can you solve all the puzzles?

3. New Challenges Await
New levels, new characters, secret missions. There are so many things you can do with The Superhero League. All you need to do is be part of the team.

4. Engaging Physics Puzzler
Only the smartest and quickest can solve all the puzzles! You will need more than just accuracy to make it through. Speed, timing, cleverness and patience are all things you will need to become the ultimate hero. Can you get three stars on every level?

5. Hero vs Villain
Are you the best out there? Help the heroes to defeat the villains and save the world! New recruits will be available. It’s all for you to control.

6. Wield awesome powers
Do you burn like a Phoenix. Can you manipulate time like the Void? Let it go by freezing enemies. This is the most unique puzzle experience you can play.

Are you ready to join The Superhero League?
Aim, shoot, help the heroes to defeat the villains and save the world!

Visit if have any feedback, need help on beating a level or have any awesome ideas you would like to see in the game!

From the Studio that brought you Mr. Bullet, Happy Glass, Ink Inc and Love Balls!

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Oxirgi yangilanish
21-noy, 2024

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Bu ilova tashqi hamkorlarga quyidagi turdagi maʼlumotlarini ulashishi mumkin
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