Number Puzzles for Kids - Full

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Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Kids learning to count will love these cute ocean-themed animated jigsaw puzzles! Put together the puzzle and the scene comes to life- the animals move and dance while children can "pop" numbers that fall from the sky for a ton of interactive fun.

Boys and girls can add up the number of animals that appear on the screen to practice their counting skills while completing the puzzle- the number increases every puzzle so kids can practice counting one through twelve.

Your child can learn all about the different animals that live in the sea, too! They'll meet one whale, two walruses, three sharks, four seals, five friendly dolphins, six dancing narwhals, seven happy otters, eight octopuses, nine starfish, ten clams, eleven silly jellyfish, and twelve fancy goldfish.

Children will have hours of fun learning how to count with their new under the sea friends! Parents will appreciate the education in this game, both teaching the numbers one through twelve and introducing children to fun and friendly sea creatures.

Kids can customize the difficulty, change the number of pieces, and turn guides on and off- it’s easy to play for all skill levels. It's great educational entertainment for children in kindergarten and pre school!

* Fun for kids, toddlers and infants ages 3-6!
* 12 wooden jigsaw puzzles to choose from in this game!
* 9, 12, 16, 20 and 24 piece puzzle settings with helper guides to turn on and off.
* Rich, fun graphics with lots of colors by children's book illustrator Laura Tallardy.
* HD display images supported for all mobile devices!
* Positive encouragement.
* Fun interactive items to pop and animated scenes at the end of each puzzle!
* Adjustable, customized difficulty- make the levels a challenge for older children or keep them easy for younger children.
* Easy for a kid to use and control- great activity for young children.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-iyl, 2020

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