English Grammar - 6mins

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1 ming+
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English Grammar - 6mins is the great app and good way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts

- Improve your English grammar with English Grammar - 6mins, the app has two series for learner's English.
- Improve your English vocabulary with English vocabulary.
- Improve your English speaking skill with English pronunciation.
- Improve your English listening skill with VOA English lessons.
- Prepare for IELTS exam you can learn topic IELTS lessons.

- Basic for beginner level learners. On this series you'll find a range of basic grammar programmes to boost your language skills. Each programme covers a key grammar point with all the explanations, examples and activities you need to become a basic grammar champion - in just 6 minutes. Grammar topics include present simple and present continuous tenses, the present perfect, prepositions, relative clauses, modal verbs, adjectives, the first conditional, phrasal verbs and much, much more.

- Intermediate for intermediate level learners. On this series you'll find a range of intermediate grammar programmes to boost your language skills. Each programme covers a key grammar point with all the explanations, examples and activities you need to become an intermediate grammar champion - in just 6 minutes. Grammar topics include present tenses, the present perfect continuous, the past perfect, zero conditionals, reported speech, relative clauses, passive voice, intensifiers and much, much more.

● Do exam without internet with many kinds of test, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and listening skill.

● Main Features:
- Support full content, conversation and transcript.
- Easy to use and easy to understand
- Search engine very fast.
- Write your note on the lesson.
- Bookmark your history/favorite lessons
- Using offline.
- Learning vocabulary through video.
- Practice listening skill via radio English.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-iyl, 2024

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