GroomTribe Styling and Shaving

13 ming ta sharh
500 ming+
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GroomTribe is the Philips Shaving and Styling App- created to help guys get the most out of their shave and create their ideal beard styles.

Combining Philips’ decades of shaver and trimmer design know-how with the expertise of dermatologists, barbers and other professionals, GroomTribe is the only male grooming app you’ll ever need.

-Pair the app with a Philips Bluetooth enabled shaver to get real-time guidance as you shave. Using the inbuilt sensors in your connected shaver, you can groom yourself quickly and effectively, while also eliminating common shaving-related skin issues thanks to your own Personal Shave Plan.
-If you’ve ever wondered how to grow an eye-catching beard or gravity-defying mustache, or even if you just want to know how to create a good-looking stubble, GroomTribe’s Style feature will guide you every shave of the way.
-Get personalized beard styling and shaving advice based on your interests, and receive tips and tricks covering a range of men’s lifestyle topics.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-avg, 2024

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