Mobile Clone and Transfer Data

85 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Cell phone clone, one click to solve the problem of your switch! No more worries about changing planes!

This is the fastest and most convenient machine change assistant, which makes it easy for you to change the machine successfully with one key, without data line, without computer, with the lowest labor input, and get the largest machine change assistant!

Breaking through the technical limitations of mobile phone relocation, it is easy to operate. It can be used as you go. Data transmission does not need networking, computers, data lines, SIM cards, WiFi, registration, synchronization, backup and upload to the cloud. It is free of charge. You can change the old mobile phone data to a new mobile phone with one click.

【give you a safe, fast, simple and convenient exchange experience】

It has the following five features:

1. One key switch

Whether it's personal information in the address book, or important data such as photos and videos, you can move from the old mobile phone data one click to the new mobile phone, making it easier and more convenient to change the phone.

2. Unlimited models

The new and old mobile phones can be directly installed and used, not affected by the brand and system version, to solve the problem of data moving.

3. Free of charge

You don't need to connect to external Wi Fi, or consume 2G / 3G traffic. You can easily do it without spending a cent.

Self built hotspot, zero traffic, no need to register and log in, point-to-point data transmission with WLAN hotspot, no need for server support, no need for account name and password, no need to pass any third-party device, all of which are in the user controlled space for data moving.

4. Super speed

The near-field direct connection within 20 meters, far faster than Bluetooth, makes data migration more convenient.

5. Simple operation

No need to connect to the Internet, no need to connect to the computer, get rid of the data line, and one click data migration.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-may, 2022

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