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152 ta sharh
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***** This quirky puzzle game bends the limits of space and reality to make you create structures that, in theory, should be impossible to replicate. - Pocket Gamer 8/10 *****

kubic is a unique minimalist puzzle game based on M.C. Escher's art, impossible objects and other geometric designs. The object is to construct the goal configuration from a number of pieces.

Presented in a simple, clean design and minimal art, kubic is a minimal puzzle game with over 60 escher-esque puzzles.

When you click on a piece, it pops to the front-most layer, and may overlap other pieces. When you combine the pieces, they do not merge. If there are extra pieces, you may hide them behind the others. If you are stuck on a puzzle you can simply skip it and re-visit at a later time. Rest assured, all puzzles can be solved but beware, some puzzles are hard! Just take your time...

If you truly get stuck, there is a in-game hint system. You can use it to get started or even get the whole puzzle solved.

Tip: It helps to plan ahead and build figures from back to front.

Levels divided in 5 groups:
• Ocean (Blue) - "2D" Shapes are basically two-dimensional arrangements.
• Desert (Orange) - "3D" Shapes appear to be three-dimensional, but remember to think in two dimensions.
• Mountain (Purple) - "Convex/Concave" These optical illusions are inspired by Escher's famous "Convex and Concave" lithograph.
• Sky (Green) - "Up/Down" These optical illusions are inspired by the Penrose Triangle featured in Escher's lithograph "Waterfall”.
• Escher (Mixed) - Based on letter designs that spell out MC ESCHER.
• Print - Based on the printable magazine version of Convex-Concave puzzles.

Kubic is localized and supports 12 languages including English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish

Convex Concave puzzles from the Heaven and Earth game are included with permission. The puzzles were designed by Scott Kim, Puzzlemaster (scottkim.com), and the Heaven & Earth team.

Game supports Google Play Saved Games service for progress syncing between devices.

Oxirgi yangilanish
30-avg, 2024

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