Wood Block Puzzle Classic

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3,42 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Are you a fan of Block Puzzle Games? Looking for a puzzle game to train your brain?

Wood Block Puzzle Classic is a fantastic block puzzle game that offers a soothing and enjoyable experience as you solve puzzle, while also giving your brain a good workout. It's both fun and addictive, and sure to keep you entertained for hours on end!

How To Play
1. Drag and drop cube blocks into the board.
2. Fill the grid(board)with cube blocks to a full row or column to eliminate them.
3. If there are no cube blocks that can fit into the grid(board), then game over.
4. Cube blocks can not be rotated, making the game more challenging and interesting.

Features of the Block Puzzle Game:
1. A classic puzzle game that's perfect for all ages.
2. Enjoy the fun of block games anytime, anywhere.
3. No internet connection is required, you can participate anytime.
4. Free block puzzle game to train your brain while killing time.

How to get a high score in this block puzzle game:
1. Make reasonable use of the blank area of the board to leave space for large blocks.
2. Eliminate multiple rows and columns at once for higher scores.
3. Don't be in a hurry! Think of ways to eliminate more blocks with fewer moves.
4. If you can’t clear a line, get it as close to completed as possible.
5. Always remember, your goal is not to place more, but to clear more.
6. Strike a balance between quickly eliminating blocks and creating "Streaks" and "Combos".
7. Clearing multiple rows or columns at once and spawning Combos in a row will result in cool elimination animations and bonus points. The more Combos, the higher points you get.

Come to Wood Block Puzzle Classic to experience the fun of the game, exercise your IQ and challenge yourself!

We keep updating this game! Please email us if you have any questions or suggestions: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-sen, 2024

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3,04 ming ta sharh

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In this update:
- Bug fixed!
Hope you can continue to support us! Thanks!