Sunny School Stories

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Hamma uchun

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Wake up! It's time to go to class at Sunny School Stories! The school where everything that happens depends on you, and the only rule is to use your imagination to create amazing stories.

In this school, you can play with students, teachers, parents and countless objects, surprises and secrets. With 13 locations full of activities and 23 different characters to make your imagination fly and create amazing stories. There are endless ways to play!

Designed for children from 4 to 13 years old, but suitable to be enjoyed by the whole family, Sunny School Stories expands the universe of the saga Stories to trigger your imagination and creativity. Remember, there are no rules, no limits, no instructions on how to play. In this school, you decide.


Take control of the facilities of this school and its 23 characters and create the funniest stories. Whose love letter is at the box office? Has a new student arrived at school? How is it possible for the cook to cook so fast? Why is there a hen at the bus stop? Let your imagination fly and create the most exciting adventures. 


You have hundreds of objects, 23 characters and thousands of possible interactions in the different locations of the school, and remember, there are no goals or rules, so experiment and have fun touching everything! In Sunny School Stories It's impossible to get bored.


● 13 different locations, full of objects to play, representing an incredible school: a class, a nurse's office, a library, a sports court, an auditorium, a cafeteria, an art room, a laboratory, a hallway with reception and lockers... Discover for yourself all the hidden places and Secrets of Sunny School Stories.

● 23 characters, including students, school staff, parents, and teachers. Have wild fun dressing them with the dozens of clothes and accessories of the game.

● Thousands of possible interactions and things to do: assist students in the nursing, represent a graduation ceremony or a funky dance contest in the auditorium, parent meetings with the principal, or conduct crazy experiments in the lab. The possibilities are really endless.

● No rules or goals, just fun and freedom to create your stories.

● Game safe to be played by the whole family, without external ads and by a unique purchase for a lifetime.

The free game includes 5 locations and 5 characters for you to play unlimited and try the possibilities of the game. Once you're sure, you'll be able to enjoy the remaining locations with a unique purchase, which will unlock the 13 locations and 23 characters forever.

About PlayToddlers
PlayToddlers games have been developed to be enjoyed by all members of the family, regardless of their age. We promote responsible social values and healthy habits in a safe and controlled environment without violence or advertisements from third parties.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-avg, 2024

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