Animal Game

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The Animal Game Application helps its users discover and explore animals they might have never taught of in a fun way. It is highly recommended especially if you love animals and nature. Also, one can learn facts about animals in each group of Mammals, Fish/Marine, Birds, Insects, Dinosaurs, and Herptofaunas in a fun way.

In Animal Game Application, we have embedded 157 pictures of mammals, 103 pictures of Fishes, 100 pictures of birds, 48 insects, 47 Dinosaurs, and 40 herptofaunas which include Reptiles and Amphibians. The question now is: can you guess and learn them all in this game? I believe you can!

In Animal Game Application, We have categorized animals into six groups to give more features to the game. The categories include:

1. Mammals: These are animals in the group of the vertebrate they have the ability to nourish their young from special mammary gland of the mother examples of animal included in the game are: Aardwolf, Addax, Agouti, Alpaca, Baboon, Bonobo, Chipmunk, Dormouse, Giant Panda, Hyena, Lemming, Markhor, Rhinoceros, Sloth, Uakari, and lots more. Feel free to guess any of the animal today.

2. Fish: These are limbless cold-blooded animal with gills and fins living wholly in water. Examples of fish included in the game are: Amberjack, Angel fish, Anglerfish, Arapaima, Beluga whale, Blobfish, Cuttlefish, Dolphin, Dugong, Flying fish, Garfish, Hammerhead Shark, Seahorse, Stonefish, Zebrafish and many more. Try to guess any of the fish in this game.

3. Birds: These are warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animals. These animals are distinguish by the possession of feathers, wings, beak, and particularly being able to fly. Examples of Birds in this game include: Albatross, Bald Eagle, Bird of Paradise, Blue-footed-bobby, Bullfinch, Cassowary, Cedar Waxwing, Comorant, Giant Petrel, Hoatzin, Hoopoo, Macaw, Magpie, Mocking bird, Puffin and many more. You can start guessing any of this bird now.

4. Insects: These are small arthropod animals that have six legs and generally one or two pairs of wings. Some of the insects we have included in this game are: Ant, Antlion, Black Widow, Booklice, caterpillar, Firefly, Hercules Beetle, Mayfly, Mosquitos, Snakefly, Thrip, Water Strider and many more. Do well to start identifying the other insects.

5. Dinosaurs: These are animals known to have lived many years ago. They have upright limbs and also lived on land. Some examples of Dinosaurs we have included in this game include: Abelisaurus, Achelousaurus, Allosaurus, Altirhinus, Corythosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Dimetrodon, Einiosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Microraptor and many more. Start guessing Dinosaurs now.

6. Herptofaunas: These are animals that consist of both amphibians and reptiles. Some of the Herptofaunas included in this game are: Alligators, Anaconda, Basilisk, Chameleon, Earthworm, Gila monster, Komodo Dragon, Leech, Newt, and many more. Have fun discovering more.

Six game mode or level for each class of animal provide a fun filled experience for everyone who will download the game. the levels include:
* Level 1- identifying mammals picture
* Level 2 - identifying mammals picture (timed)
* Level 3 - identifying mammals name
* Level 4 - identifying mammals name (timed)
* Level 5 - spelling Quizzes for animal
* Level 6 - spelling quizzes for animal (timed)

Have some fun exploring Animals that you might have not seen before.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2024

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