Cluck Avengers - Idle RPG

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Cluck Avengers: Idle RPG

After years of oppression, one courageous chicken decides to turn on the fast food industry that keeps turning him and his peers into delicious fried food.

Get ready for a feathered frenzy in Cluck Avengers, the ultimate idle RPG where heroic chicken finally take their revenge against the human overlords.

Egg-ceptional Adventure: Join our brave chicken heroes on an epic quest to defend their kin against ravenous humans. It's an egg-citing adventure filled with epic battles and clucking triumphs!

RPG Gameplay
• Level up and upgrade your chicken squad and watch them evolve into unstoppable mighty warriors!
• Master unique skills and collect rare equipments to build the ultimate chicken.
• Hatch and collect companions with powerful abilities to accompany you on your journey

Strategg-ic team building: create and arrange your own chicken squad to take on different enemies. Combine skills, bonuses, and special attacks to take down the most powerful bosses.

Egg-citing Merge Gameplay: Lay and merge eggs to craft and level up increasingly powerful weapons to use. Harness the power of eggs as your fearless chickens hurl them at relentless enemies! Keep upgrading and discovering new explosive projectiles to beat enemies!

Endless Idle Fun: The fight continues even when you are not playing! Collect offline rewards and come back to the table richer and stronger than ever before. Auto battle with the team of your composition. Sit back and relax, and enjoy the powerful skills taking down waves of enemies.

Epic Boss Battles: Face off against colossal human bosses that will put your fearless heroes to the test! Level up your chicken hero and watch as they take on the most epic Fast Food Boss, Captain Crunch himself!

Are you ready to lead your flock to victory?

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Oxirgi yangilanish
2-mar, 2024

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Joylashuv, Men haqimda va yana 3 ta
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403 ta sharh

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- Major Balancing Update to improve game experience.
- Added new languages: Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese