Note Flash -Learn Music Sight

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Note Flash helps you improve your sight reading skills for sheet music. This is the most intuitive way of learning how to read sheet music notes as it listens via the microphone to make sure you play the correct note in the correct octave. Note Flash is the ONLY app which also has accidentals (sharp and flat notes) along with ledger lines for advanced players. Note Flash is also the ONLY app to show graphs on your progress in recognizing notes faster. This way you will know which notes you are spending more time thinking.

**How to use**

Play the Note shown on screen on the piano and the app will listen via the microphone. You must play in the correct octave too - Note Flash is very intelligent to recognize the correct octaves.

If played correct, the app shows a new note on screen. If you can't remember, then you can tap "Show Hint". The app is built for infinite practice which encourages practice more as it makes note reading into a game.

Note Flash learns which note you are getting wrong or spending more time thinking and shows you more often. You can view your progress graphs for each note and both staff. This way you will know exactly how long you spend thinking of each note and how it's improving!

You can select which hand you would like to practice or you can do both randomly. You can also choose to show accidentals - sharp, flats as well enable ledger lines for more advanced students.

The app comes with a variety of beautiful themes and you can use your own picture too for the theme.

Please note that the app needs microphone access to listen to your piano. Your microphone data is completely safe as it never leaves your phone.

If you have any feedback, please contact us at:
[email protected]

I have made this app with love because I myself struggled to read music when learning piano and the old paper flash cards were just not effective! So I really hope this helps you and your students out!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-apr, 2021

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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

Reytinglar va sharhlar

127 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Made changes to the app for screens with cutout/camera holes.