Qfile Pro

8,07 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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Ever wanted to browse and manage files stored on your QNAP NAS with your Android mobile device? The free Qfile Pro app is the perfect answer.

- Android 7.0 or later
- QNAP NAS running QTS 4.0 or later, QuTS hero 4.5.0 or later

Major features of Qfile Pro:
- Access files on your QNAP NAS anytime, anywhere.
- Upload your photos and documents directly from mobile devices to your QNAP NAS.
- Easy sharing: Create a download link for files to share and send it via email or SMS, or simply email the file as an attachment.
- Easy management: Move, copy, rename or delete files on your QNAP NAS, all via your mobile device. No computer required.
- Offline file reading: Qfile Pro provides a simple way for downloading files from your QNAP NAS to mobile devices for offline reading.
- Auto upload: Automatically upload files from your mobile device to your QNAP NAS. (Note: Auto uploading requires battery optimization to be disabled for Qfile Pro in your Android device’s system settings)
- Qysnc integration: Synchronize files between your mobile device and your QNAP NAS. (Requires QTS 4.3.4/QuTS hero 4.5.0 or later, and Qsync Central to be installed on your QNAP NAS device.)

Other features:
- Support for displaying photo thumbnails.
- Supports control playback from QNAP NAS to DLNA devices. (requires QNAP Media Server, and QTS 4.0/QuTS hero 4.5.0 or later)
- Support for file compression (QTS 4.0/QuTS hero 4.5.0 or later)
- Support for changing the download folder on an external SD card.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-okt, 2024

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7,28 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

[New Features]
- Qfile Pro can now store and access files on myQNAPcloud Storage. myQNAPcloud Storage is a secure and cost-effective QNAP cloud storage service.
- Users can now quickly reconnect and resync with a NAS device that has been replaced or migrated. Note: The new NAS must have the same folder structure as the previous NAS.

- The login process has been streamlined in order to simplify the connection process.