Tri Peaks Offline Solitaire

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Magic Tri Peaks Solitaire is the classic one lower one higher solitaire you know and love. It sounds easy: just remove cards from the board one higher or lower than the next card in the deck. But there's a whole other world behind these simple rules! The constantly changing locations and new cards on the board will keep you on your toes using new strategies. Don't expect to be an expert if you don't play for a couple weeks! The game sends you on a journey to a magical world and tells the story of an adventure across an enchanted land. Forests, mountains, seas and snowy peaks: get ready for a wild ride in Magic Tri Peaks Solitaire!

What makes our solitaire special:
Players can use different boosters on levels to give the game a special twist. Put any card from the board on a Joker. The Combo booster helps you get a five-card combo at the very start of a level, and Eye shows you what card is hiding at the top of the deck.
Start a new level and use the Sword to switch out a card from the deck with one you need. The Bow lets you remove any card from the board, the Fan shuffles cards and brings what you need to the top, and the Hammer flips over a portion of the hidden cards!

Our solitaire also features battles against golems. Defeat golems and earn coins! Solitaire with unlimited cards makes the game a blast!
Think you're good at Tri Peaks Solitaire layouts? Then start earning stars for beating levels and open up chests with rewards!

♣️️ Hundreds of levels with new ones added all the time!
♦️ Different locations with fun original game mechanics!
♠️ Exciting battles against golems of different elements!
♥ Just lay out your cards in ascending or descending order!
♦️ Tons of different rewards and bonuses!
♣️ A fun game to boost your mood!
♥ Play absolutely free on your phone or tablet!

If you need something more than your average solitaire, look no further! Download the amazing Tri Peaks Solitaire now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-noy, 2024

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2,21 ming ta sharh

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Minor bug fixes and improvements