Fun Kids Planes Game

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2,38 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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Hamma uchun

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Let your child take control, and become the pilot in fun kids planes game. fly around and collect stars, pop balloons and fly through hoops with many more obstacles along the way.

With over 20 Planes, Helicopters, Fighter Jets, Glider and Airliners, Your child will have hours of fun, across 30 levels.

Simple one touch controls to fly, makes this game easy to pick up and ideal for children and toddlers to play this plane game.

This game is designed for young Children and toddlers between ages 2 to 8 years old. Race against other planes, no ads are shown during game-play.

Fireworks, Balloon pop are at the end of each level so your child can collect more stars, and unlock new planes.

Also included for even more hours of fun are four educational mini games which include
Balloon Pop
Memory Cards
Prize Claw

With 20 cool looking aeroplanes all with their own unique personality, 30 worlds/levels, and fun mini games will keep your children and toddlers entertained for hours!

Fun kids plane game helps your child understand the educational mechanics of using mobile and tablet devices. With puzzles, memory card and heaps of fun flying through the courses.

* 20 airplanes to choose from
* 30 Worlds/Levels to play
* Fun Cartoon HD graphics
* 5 different kids music sound tracks which set the tone for each level.
* Cute planes sounds, lots of items to collect with fun sounds + much more vibrant sounds
* Balloon Pop game & Fireworks at the end of each course
* Mini Games such as Puzzles, Prize claw, Memory Cards & Balloon Pop
* Settings to allow parents to turn off sound and/or music
+ much more.

Privacy Information:
As parents ourselves, Raz Games takes children's privacy and protection very seriously. We do not collect any personal data. This app does contain advertising as that allows us to give you the game for free – ads are carefully placed so kids are least likely to accidentally click on them. and ads get removed on the actual game screen. This app includes the option for adults to unlock or buy additional in-game items with real money to enhance game play and removing ads. You may disable in-app purchases by adjusting your device settings.
Visit the following for more information on our Privacy Policy:

If you're having any problems with this app, or would like any updates/enhancements, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you as we are committed to updating all our games and apps for the best possible user experience.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2024

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