Killer Pool Scorecard

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This app will manage your games of Killer Pool without any more need for paper and pens, no more forgetting whose go it is, and hey it just looks kinda cool to have it on your phone.

Why not also cast it onto a large monitor to give everyone that true match environment feel. "Look guys. We have no talent, but we do have a digital scoreboard to show off with!"

Each new match can be created with an infinite number of players and a variety of common play options. When running, you can clearly see the scores of all the players and the app will tell you who is to shoot next. Simply tap the "pot", "miss" or "bonus" buttons and move on to the next player.

A straight linear order is supported, but you might also care to play your game using a simulated pack of playing cards. Each player is assigned a face card value and has his four numbers shuffled into the deck. The top card is then drawn each time to determine the next shooter. This allows a controlled randomness that can prevent nasty tactical play. Don't play safe if it might be your turn next!

If you don't use the cards option, the player list is randomised before the game starts, but retains that order throught play.

The default winner is the "last man standing", but there is also an option that forces the last player to make a valid pot within his/her remaining lives to claim victory. Failure to do so results in a void game that can be replayed to find a winner. This option is usually used in games with an ante of some sort.

A bonus button is provide that actually awards an extra life. Some rule variants allow an extra life for potting the black, potting more than one ball in one shot, etc. Player names are coloured, so if using stripes and solids you can give a life back for potting your own colour too. If you don't want to do any of this, don't use the button!

As well as killer, there is an option to just put some players in a list and keep track of the score. You can use this feature to record match progress/results for most types of game, or keep score for those first to a thousand games of straight pool you always wanted to play.

Please note: This is a scorecard app, not a virtual game of pool. You need access to a real pool table in the real world.
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-apr, 2022

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Nima yangiliklar

New confirm dialog & player skipping fix