Personal Stylist: AI Outfit

Ilova ichida xaridlar
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Personal Stylist: AI Outfit is a personal style app, powered by GPT-4 technology.
AI Stylist app offers personalized outfit, fashion and makeup advice and keeps users informed about the latest fashion trends. It also performs body and face analysis based on user photos to provide customized makeup & fashion tips.

You can easily interact with Personal Stylist: AI Outfit through a user-friendly chat interface that supports text and graphic messages. The bot understands your styling preferences and ensures your privacy is protected with strict privacy policies and image protection measures.

Regular updates keep Personal Stylist: AI Outfit updated with the latest fashion trends and it supports multiple languages to cater to users worldwide. It's designed to learn and improve from user feedback, constantly enhancing its styling recommendations to better fit individual needs.

Key Features of Personal Stylist: AI Outfit:

Personalized Fashion Tips

AI Stylist conducts advanced body analysis based on user photos to determine color type and body shape, offering tailored fashion tips aligned with individual physical attributes and assisting the user in making outfits.

Integration with Retailers

AI Stylist is equipped with a smart AI outfit & clothes finder and links with online designer clothing stores, allowing users to directly purchase recommended products through the style app, making it easy to turn advice into action.

Advanced Makeup Tips

AI Stylist creates personalized makeup schemes considering facial features like eye shape and skin tone based on the user’s face analysis, suggesting products and techniques that enhance natural beauty and blend with current trends.

Interactive Chat Interface

The chat interface supports both text and graphic messages, facilitating easy communication of user needs and styling preferences, including photo uploads for visual feedback.

Multilingual Support

Personal stylist app supports multiple languages, ensuring accessibility to designer clothing stores and providing relevant fashion recommendations for users worldwide. It considers local fashion trends and cultural preferences, helping users create outfits and develop their personal style.

Overall, Personal Stylist: AI Outfit is your AI stylist that serves as a comprehensive and smart style companion and AI outfit creator, making fashion and beauty accessible, enjoyable, and tailored to each user's unique style needs.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-sen, 2024

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