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User-friendly, photos. Set timer, intervals, and take a series of shots easily!

Whether you're a blogger, photography enthusiast, or just love taking photos, GoSelfie's features will help you create amazing images.

Check out what GoSelfie has to offer:

***- Photo Timer: Set the timer before you begin your photoshoot, and let GoSelfie do the rest. Choose the duration of the timer and the number of photos you want to take, up to 100. You can also select the time interval between shots to get the exact shot you're looking for.

***- Front or Main Camera: With GoSelfie, you can use either your front or main camera to capture the perfect shot. So whether you're taking a selfie or a group photo, you'll always be able to get the shot you want.

***- Grid and Aspect Ratio: GoSelfie's grid feature makes aligning your shots a breeze. You can also choose the aspect ratio of your photos to suit your preference.

***- Selfie Master: Want to become a selfie master? GoSelfie has got you covered with its selfie timer and selfie light function. Take your time, perfect your pose, and capture stunning selfies even in low-light conditions.

***- Camera Timer: GoSelfie's custom timer gives you complete control over your photoshoot. You can set the timer, photo count, and intervals for effortless photo shoots and let GoSelfie do the rest. Plus, the animation of the stopwatch indicates the time left before photographing begins.

With GoSelfie, you can take your photos to the next level. So why settle for ordinary photos when you can easily capture stunning images? Download GoSelfie and start creating high-quality photos with the most advanced selfie camera available!
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-may, 2023

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