Serena’s Secret:Merge Makeover

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
8,33 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Welcome to Serena's Secret, a merge and makeover game!

Serena, a mere intern, is stunned when billionaire CEO Sebastian Davis proposes a marriage contract to her. Though hesitant, she agrees, but little does she know the shocking reason behind this arrangement that will turn her whole world upside down. What secret motivates Sebastian to pursue this unconventional union?

Merge items to collect resources and help Serena transform her style for various high-stakes social events. From business meetings to glamorous parties, make sure Serena is dressed to impress by changing her clothes, doing her makeup, and choosing the perfect accessories.

As you progress through levels, you'll unlock pieces of the story. Discover the humorous and heartwarming interactions between Serena and Sebastian, full of witty banter and surprising twists. Why does Sebastian need to marry Serena? What secret could possibly justify such a bizarre contract? Each level brings you closer to unveiling the truth behind Sebastian's motives.

A unique blend of merge-2 puzzle gameplay with fashion and style makeover elements.
An engaging romantic comedy storyline with unexpected developments to keep you intrigued.
Customize Serena's appearance with a wide variety of clothing and makeup options.
Challenging levels that require strategic merging to manage resources and help Serena succeed.

Join Serena on her journey of self-discovery, love, and laughter in "Serena's Secret." It's more than just a game of combining items—it's about piecing together the fragments of a life-changing story that will leave you both touched and entertained. Can you help Serena maintain her professional career and navigate this unconventional relationship?
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-noy, 2024

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28-sentabr, 2024
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The weekly game update is here!
1、Known bugs fixed.
2、Update story.
Thanks for your great support and love.