Baby Panda: Cooking Party

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22,1 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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Hamma uchun
Google Play Pass obunasi bilan bu oʻyindan bepul, hamda yuzlab oʻyin va ilovalardan reklama va ichki xaridlarsiz foydalaning. Batafsil

Bu oʻyin haqida

Cooking game that kids love! Do you like cooking? Come and join Baby Panda's cooking party. Cook and share food that is healthy and nutritious!
Healthy food such as carrot noodles, vegetable sandwich, and fruit salad...Get to love nutritious food and be a good kid who is not a picky eater!

Make sandwich
How can a cooking party go without sandwich? Boil the tomatoes first. Then peel and mash the tomatoes to make ketchup and spread on toast. Put on bacon. Add pepper and pineapple to make the sandwich more delicious!

Cook egg noodles
Can you cook noodles? Pour water into the flour and stir into a dough. Use a noodle press machine to make noodles. Give it a try! Peel and shred the carrot. Mix with noodles and cook until done. Would you also like to fry an egg? Sure. It's up to you!

Make fried fish steak
Defrost the fish. Sprinkle with scallions and pepper. Then put on sweet chili sauce. Remember to put flour on both sides of your fish steak to make it more delicious. Fry the fish steak until it is golden brown. OK. Done! Wow! You are indeed a cooking master!

Make fruit salad
Banana, grapes, watermelon...What kind of fruit do you like? You can choose as you like to make fruit salad! Chop the banana and pear into pieces, pick out the lettuce, and pour into the yogurt to mix. So easy! What kind of gourmet would you like to cook next?

-- Cook 10 kinds of healthy food and learn about nutrition!
-- 5 kinds of cooking equipment: Pan, toaster, saucepan, steamer, and electric grill.
-- Join the cooking party to experience the fun of cooking!

About BabyBus
At BabyBus, we dedicate ourselves to sparking kids' creativity, imagination and curiosity,and designing our products through the kids' perspective to help them explore the world on their own.

Now BabyBus offers a wide variety of products, videos and other educational content for over 400 million fans from ages 0-8 around the world! We have released over 200 children's educational apps, over 2500 episodes of nursery rhymes and animations of various themes spanning the Health, Language, Society, Science, Art and other fields.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
6-noy, 2024

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