Drawing & Coloring for Kids

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Imagine this. A toddler has easily drawn a knitted Teddy Bear, then sets it live – moving, flying via taps. Finally the Teddy Bear starts repeating what your child says!
And what about doing the same with a cute funny robot? Or a friendly train? Or maybe your kid would love to draw a kitty or a dog or even a dinosaur and then to play and talk with them? No problem – lots of drawings for boys and girls from pets to a unicorn, from a car, a robot to an UFO.

Yes, this app not only brings drawing for kids to a whole new level of entertainment but also makes children love drawing art! This is our approach – educating through very entertaining games. This time it’s about drawing.

The app is very intuitive and child-friendly – even a 2 year old child can easily handle it. The app is full of voice instructions to guide a toddler through.

There are just three simple steps to draw and play:

1. Choose a picture to draw and color in.
2. Create the picture by choosing colors and palettes and following simple traces!
3. Now the cute masterpiece comes alive - play with it! Press the button at the bottom right to activate the talking game!

Would your child like more pictures to draw and play with? No problem at all – 25 cute pictures to draw, play and talk: a train, a pig, pandas, a dog, a kitty, an airplane, bear, a bird, a goose, a duck, a rocket, an UFO, a robot, a unicorn, a dinosaur, an air balloon, a bee, a car, a snail, a caterpillar, a submarine, a fish, a whale, a turtle, a penguin. These are not just pictures – these are 25 animated worlds full of fun! And more are coming soon! Just do stay tuned!

And that’s not all. There’s:

* The talking game - kids can "talk" to their masterpieces that will repeat what children say! Just press the mic button at the bottom right.
* Lots of interactive animated objects on the drawing background - the whole world for toddlers to enjoy!
* An easy to use, creative, and child-friendly interface!
* A fun and captivating design made with kids in mind!
* More animals and everyday objects coming on a regular basis!

Download this kids' app for free and let your girl or boy aged 2, 3, 4 or 5 years old to draw, play and talk to their pictures.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyl, 2023

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Thank you for playing Smart Grow!. This update is dedicated to minor bug fixing and optimization. Stay tuned for further big updates!