Remote Control for Android TV

1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu ilova haqida

Are you willing to have a phone having an app which include all types of smart tv remotes? if yes then you are at right place. This remote control for android tv has all the smart tv remote you want. Further more this app has the functions which you need mostly in using smart tv remote. Remote Control for Android TV will transform your Android smartphone into a complete TV remote. Remote for Android TV application allows you to control your Android Smart TV instead of using a physical remote.
Why you need this app? its a good question.
First of all this app has unique UI and simple interface which will not make you confused in using this tv remote app for android. Secondly this app has all the smart tv from older to newer generation.
Android tv remote Features Include, Power Control, TV/AV, Pre Channel, Mute, Channel Buttons/Numbers, Volume Control, Menu, Radial and Square Navigation, Pause, Reverse/Fast Reverse, Forward/Fast Forward. This app allows you to control your TV using your smartphone or tablet. With this app, you can control your TV from anywhere, and it offers all the features of the physical remote control.

★ Customer Support ★
If you can’t find your device, please send your device brand and model information to us. We are here anytime to answer all customer requests and suggestions. Please write a review on the Google Play Store or email us at [email protected].
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-fev, 2024

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