SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring

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Record and track your snoring with the No.1 snore app. Sleep quieter and better!

- Monitoring over 1 million nights of snoring per month
- Measures how loud your snoring is and tracks it over time
- The worldwide No.1 app for snorers on iOS and Android

The most popular and innovative app of its kind, SnoreLab records, measures and tracks your snoring and helps you to discover effective ways to reduce it.

SnoreLab has monitored more than 50 million nights of sleep and has helped millions of people to better understand or even eliminate their snoring problem.

The app is very easy to use: simply set SnoreLab running next to your bed whilst you sleep. In the morning you will discover your Snore Score, exactly when and how loudly you snored, and listen to some highlights!

SnoreLab lets you log and track lifestyle factors and any snoring remedies so you can see how they impact your snoring.

SnoreLab is attracting endorsements from doctors, dentists and users alike. The app can be useful in medical consultations when investigating sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.

Are you a room shaker or a snorter? A buzz saw or a whistler? Or do you just purr like a kitten? Discover the truth with SnoreLab! What's your Snore Score?

▷ Advanced snore detection algorithms
▷ Records sound samples of your snoring
▷ Measures snoring intensity (Snore Score)
▷ Compares snoring across nights
▷ Tests the effectiveness of any snoring remedies that you use
▷ Measures the impact of factors such as drinking alcohol on your snoring
▷ Records sleep statistics
▷ Optional full-night recording mode
▷ Email sound files
▷ Provides information about snoring remedies
▷ Easy to use, no calibration needed
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-apr, 2024

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