SnoreGym : Reduce Your Snoring

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Reduce your snoring with SnoreGym, the workout app for quiet sleep from the creators of SnoreLab.

With this exercise app for snorers, get your snoring under control by working out your “snoring muscles”. You can also directly sync with the No.1 snoring tracking app, SnoreLab, to track your progress.

One of the main causes of snoring is weak muscles in the mouth area. SnoreGym is an exercise app which helps to tone your upper airway muscles to reduce snoring.

SnoreGym will guide you through a set of clinically-proven exercises for your tongue, soft palate, cheeks and jaw.

Features include:
- Exercises to reduce snoring
- Easy-to-follow animations
- Clear and detailed instructions
- Evidence-based workouts
- Progress tracking
- Sync to SnoreLab

Scientists have tested a set of mouth exercises which tone muscles in the tongue, soft palate, throat, cheeks and jaw. This research has shown that mouth exercises can reduce snoring, decrease the severity of sleep apnea, reduce disturbance of bed partners and produce better sleep and quality of life.

It is important to do these exercises regularly to reduce your snoring. We recommend at least 10 minutes a day for 8+ weeks.

Exercise now for quieter sleep!
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-iyl, 2023

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