Solitaire Tripeaks Travel

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Welcome to Solitaire Tripeaks Travel and participate in card elimination game with animal friends, which hosted by Fox John!
The traveler Fox John backs to the forest. Heâs the pride of Green Forest and travels around the world at a young age. Now he's going back to the place where he was raised, to the land he loves. Because he had found a novelty card game in the human, and he couldn't wait to take it back to share it with his friends. In order to let them enjoy themselves, the winners of the game will get the collection of Fox John, which John collects them from all over the world and including all kinds of strange treasures, which is a magic bonding to Fox John and the wonderful outside world. With Fox Johnâs return, Green Forest becomes vibrant again.

- Set out for the deep of Green Forest, come to the gathering place, and enjoy the card elimination game with your animal friends. No need to buy whatever tickets to participate in this game because it is just a party between friends!
- Fox John set up a variety of interesting levels, but the new should learn the first step: simple card elimination, more and higher levels are waiting to unlock.
- As you get more and more powerful, the higher the level, the more increasing difficulty. However, Fox John won't leave problems unsolved. You may pray for help!
- There are +1 card,+5 cards, double cards, mighty cards and others. Using these cards wisely to solve vexing problems in higher levels, it will stimulate and exercise your brain in this unique way in this solitaire puzzles!
- This is a game of elimination and solitaire in one, and it is the perfect choice for the newcomers, card lovers and elimination lovers!

Whether for the simple pleasures, or for Fox John's collection, participating in this game(party) will start this Green Forest journey, enjoying yourself in this perfect combination of card and elimination game with lots of fun!

Fox John is working on it, so if you have any problems or any suggestions in playing the game, please feel free to contact us:[email protected]

Learn more about the Solitaire Tripeaks Travel:Card Game game:
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Oxirgi yangilanish
26-avg, 2024

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